Jonathan Winters Ghost Tour of Bellbrook, Ohio
Date: 7.27.13
VOLP Investigators Attending: Johnathan Brown & Shelly Moore Caron

The first two and half hours were spent at a beautiful church in Bellbrook, which is also pictured above and below. I began at 6:30 pm by providing angel card readings to the Ghost Walk attendees who were interested. I gave about ten back-to-back readings, which was incredible! It was incredibly hot in this little room in the front of the church where I gave my readings, and the sun beaming down right on me as I spoke didn't help things, but I took it as a positive sign from above. ;)
(Funny how people will say, "You gave readings in a church? How ironic!" Doesn't religion call on the "Holy Spirit"..? Isn't that a form of spirit communication in itself? So why would anyone outside of a church setting who can communicate with spirit be thought of any differently? Plus, it's important to remember that most mediums/psychics call on a Higher Power to do our work and for protection.)
Thought for the day.
After setting up, Marcia begin speaking about her own personal experiences while investigating with her group, Nightshade Paranormal, including photographic evidence, video, and audio clips. Marcia, as always, was super organized, very energetic, and overall incredibly engaging. She had loads of amazing historical information for Bellbrook, and some incredible evidence to show to the group. At one point I even had to tap her daughter on the shoulder and ask her if I could raise my hand and ask a question! But I didn't want to interrupt, so I held my question until later that night.
One video showed a door apparently opening on its own; another showed a shadow figure crossing a doorway several times; and another showed a man communicating with spirit using dowsing rods.
These are just three examples of the many she showed us that night.
In the photo below, Marcia was explaining how an apparent "orb" had manifested itself, and boomeranged in front of the camera. She said, "How many times have you seen dust or a moth do that?" She even provided several examples of how dust and insects look very different in front of the I.R. (infrared) camera versus an "orb."
After Marcia's amazing presentation about the spirits haunting Bellbrook, we made our way to the beautiful Magee Park, also in Bellbrook, where we were to lead two groups on an investigation of the notoriously 'inhabited' land.
Below: Johnathan getting out his equipment for the group investigation.
Below: A quick video to show how dark it was already getting at dusk, when people started filtering into the Magee Park parking lot for our group investigation.
Below: A quick video of our group surrounding Johnathan as he gave a quick demonstration of the equipment we use during investigations, when it is appropriate to use each piece of equipment, and how to filter out 'good' possible evidence, from not-so-good. (Well done, John!) The videos give you a great idea of how dark it was!
Below is a photo of the forest-lined field at Magee Park where we investigated from our camera's view. No infrared. It was very dark. An investigator's perfect atmosphere.
We divided into two groups, one led by Dave Jones of PPI, and the other led by Johnathan Brown of VOLP, along with Shelly (empath/medium), and the wonderful Marcia Treadway, who had put the Ghost Walk together.
While Dave & his group headed to the left, our group headed to the right. We spent some time talking about the ghost box, how it works, how it can be both a great investigative tool, and a horrible one at the same time. So we started off using the ghost box.
(Series Below: A series of photos Johnathan took after thinking he spotted a man in the area. What do you see?)
We believe we first spoke with a woman, either by the name of "Mary" or "Marian." Both names came through, so my assumption is that her name was Marian, but went by Mary. She didn't hang out for long, though. We were then greeted by a mans voice, very clearly stating his presence.
Shortly after Mary left, we spoke with a man named "Logan" or "Gordon" - again, we were undecided, even though he clearly repeated his name twice for us using the Spirit Box to communicate.
At one point I did notice a man standing in the tree-line a good distance away from us. He had a defined mustache, a blue wool coat with big, round gold buttons, and a hat with a hard brim and flat top. Admittedly, I am not very well-versed on war-era clothing, so I described this man to Marcia later in the night, and she said she believed he was wearing a civil war era uniform.
Just now, as I finished typing that last paragraph, I decided to do a google image search for "civil war uniform" to see if I could, in fact, match the uniforms up. I have to say, I went through quite a few that were similar, but not quite right because of one thing or another - then I stumbled upon this photo:
Now, obviously this photo isn't colored, but the uniform is nearly identical to the one I saw the man wearing. Seems like I remember his hat rim being a bit larger, but what really gave me goosebumps, is this is also nearly identical to the way the man was standing, watching us from the treeline - mustache and all. I didn't see any of the doohickeys hanging from his belt, nor do I remember the color of his pants, but the coat is right, the hat is almost right, and the mustache is nearly right as well.
Below Left: The hat this soldier is wearing more closely resembles the hat I saw the man wearing.
Below Right: This is the color of the coat I saw on the man in the treeline. I will say the coat is nearly identical, as well, but it seems as if I remember the buttons being slightly more spaced out.
I told them that I did not feel as if this man fought here on this land, or even lived here on this land, necessarily, but for some reason had been drawn to this particular area.
After telling Marcia about this 'observer' I had witnessed watching us curiously from the treeline, she told us that there was, in fact, a cemetery just up the road where many deceased soldiers from three different wars were laid to rest called Pioneer Cemetery. So it stands to reason that this man may have been just visiting us, checking out what all the fuss was about, as our group walked the grounds of the park late at night trying to communicate.
Interestingly enough, later on I was speaking to Johnathan via messenger, and this is the conversation (copy & pasted):
Shelly: "I need your pics from Magee Park/the Ghost Walk for the blog."
Johnathan: "I didn't take many of the ghost walk. just the inside of the church and Marcia speaking. and some of the park because i thought i saw an apparition looking at us. I don't know if i saw the play set or what but i know in my head i looked at it and thought " Who is that looking at us? why are one of the guest standing over there?" then turned my head back, then sort of did a double take when i noticed no one was standing there. It all went down in about 2 seconds. So i really didn't take it for anything."
Shelly: "Was it a man? I saw a man in a blue overcoat with gold buttons... is that what you saw?"
Johnathan: "The man was wearing a greyish blue coat. Very quick glimpse, if it was someone... but I had to do a second take. The person I saw had on a weird hat... it was so quick... the top half of his body is what I saw. Not a weird hat... let me see if i can find a pic."
Shelly: "Yes!! That's the hat I saw him wearing! I just posted a few similar pics on the blog - we saw the same man, for sure."
Johnathan: "It was so quick, really it could have been anything. The play set or something. I just don't want to make too much out of it because it was quick and I only saw so much but it was enough to make me respond as if someone was there."
Shelly: "Don't second guess yourself - what are the odds that we both saw a man wearing the same hat and coat? Slim to none."
Let this be a lesson - never second guess yourself! There was no talk of soldiers that night, no talk of war - so why would we subconsciously create an identical 'imaginary' being in the park? You are your own best tool for paranormal investigating. Trust your instincts!
Food for thought..
I'd also like to mention that another sensitive was attending the Ghost Walk, whom I did make friends with during the night. She also sensed the man standing in the treeline, and later in the night she and I shared an interesting experience worth mentioning.
She and I were standing about 30-40 feet away from the rest of the group talking and sharing personal experiences as sensitives. I had my back to the treeline/woods, and she was standing directly in front of me, facing the woods. Mid-sentence - she stopped talking right at the same moment I swung around to look behind me - I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that someone was about 10 feet behind me, watching us. I was as sure of it as I was sure a tree was standing between us. I immediately said, "Someones back there behind that tree.." and she pointed to the exact tree I was referring to, and said, "Yes! I saw it! It ducked right behind that tree right there!"
I might also mention that the reason we were so far from the group at that point is because a few minutes earlier I had wandered off from the group, as I often do, sensing someone standing off in the distance, curious as to what we were doing. Just as in life, we are a lot less intimidating when we are alone, so I ventured off to investigate. I sensed it was a child spirit, although I am not totally certain of it. I want to say a little boy, but again, I question it.
As a side note, I will admit that I am somewhat closed off to child spirits for a few reasons, and it's at no one's fault but my own. I have a real problem considering there may be children 'stuck' here on this plane. It's a real moral dilemma for me, and I have a really difficult time accepting this as a possibility. Being a mother of two small children of my own, it fills me with incredible anguish to think that any child would be stuck here without his/her parents, etc. So it's rare that I see/hear/communicate with children spirits because I am so closed off to them for this reason.
The 2013 Jonathan Winters Ghost Walk of Bellbrook was an absolutely amazing time, filled with incredible people, rich history, amazing evidence provided by Marcia during the presentation, and loads more.
*I would love to hear your personal stories and share your photos if you attended the Ghost Walk with us! Email them to me @ or find me on facebook.*
Johnathan & I are very grateful to have been a part of such a wonderful event, and look forward to next year's!
A big thank you to Marcia Treadway for inviting us along - we love ya, Marcia!
- Shelly, VOLP
Below: The news article that ran in the Sugarcreek Bellbrook Times newspaper prior to the event.
"Treadway Communication Resources is teaming up with NightShade Paranormal Investigations of Bellbrook to sponsor this year’...s Ghost Walk. Guest investigators include Dave Jones of Project Paranormal Investigations, and John Brown and Shelly Moore Caron of Victory of Light Paranormal.
Caron will be available from 6:30 to 7 p.m. to give Archangel Card Readings for $5. Caron has her Bachelor’s Degree in Metaphysical Science with a focus on Spiritual Counseling. “Basically, I connect with the guides of the client to give messages and guidance for them,” said Caron."
Cost of the ghost walk is $15 for people 13 and over; $5 for children 12 and under. Attendees have the option to purchase a ticket for $5 to attend an equipment demonstration and mini-investigation at Magee Park, in Bellbrook, after the presentation. Park tickets are limited to 30 and will be sold on a first-come, first-serve basis. (Weather permitting)"
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