A few of our investigators paid a second visit to a residence in Xenia, Ohio this weekend. Victor, Ericka, & Taryn were the three VOLP investigators who went along to cleanse this house, and help to put a desperate family's worries to rest. As always, I will post their reviews and photos once they are submitted to me... so stay tuned!
Since this visit to Xenia was a follow-up and house cleansing, we like to keep the group small. So while those three were wrapping things up in Xenia, John and I were asked to help out a good friend/fellow paranormal investigator, Dave Jones, out with an investigation he was assisting with in Middletown, Ohio; along with two of our other good friends/fellow investigators, Lori & Robert Dennon of Shadowhunters Paranormal.
The investigation John and I were asked to help out on wasn't a VOLP investigation, but since we were there, I thought it'd be fun to share what we picked up on that night.
The client has requested anonymity, and as always, we graciously respect their wishes.
We walked in on the main level of the building, and I was immediately drawn to an area towards the back of the building. As I approached the area, this wooden-carved statue of sorts was clearly what was drawing me in. It looked to be a plant pot or something on the bottom, then these little wooden-carving men went up the back of the handle. I really can't say with certainty what it was, but it was definitely holding onto some sort of residual energy.
After a brief walk-through of the main floor, we were taken down into the basement to join the others. As I made my way down the stairs, I felt with certainty that there was, in fact, spiritual presence in this space. As I rounded the last of the stairs, I looked over my left shoulder toward the back corner of the basement, where I saw a man sitting in a rocking chair, smoking a cigar. I could only describe him as a "Crooner" - he wore a grey suit, & had on leg crossed over the other, with his ankle resting on top of his other leg. I could see that portion of him so clearly that I could distinctly see the fabric of his pants, the fold of the fabric, and even a little of his skin under the bottom hem of his pant leg. He had one arm to his side, and other other up holding his cigar between two fingers. He squinted at me, with smiling eyes - as if he were genuinely amused by our presence, or maybe by the fact that I saw him. He appeared to be in his 50's, or possibly 40's. He had an average build, and was half-smiling at us, through a mouth pursed over the end of his lit cigar.
Above: Famous Crooner, Bing Crosby.
The man I met in spirit was strikingly similar to this photo of Bing.
The man I met in spirit was strikingly similar to this photo of Bing.
The suit he was wearing was almost identical, and his hair also similar (minus the receding hairline).
His face was slightly rounder, with a distinct jawline. Thin features (lips, nose),
and just a teeny tiny hint of stubble.
I got a really good feeling from this gentleman, and was actually quite eager to try to communicate further with him. I stood back in that corner, about two feet from the rocker in which I had seen him, and tried to communicate. I asked him if he was here because of the building, or because of one of the items brought into this antique store. His reply was a whimsical, "Because of the stuff..."

As kind of a disclaimer, as most people are already aware of my thoughts and feelings towards this app, it's a very hit or miss app. Most of the words that pop through I consider to be garbage words; but every now and again you'll get a word that will be too much of a coincidence to dismiss as 'garbage.'
As I am standing across from this rocking chair, talking to this fellow... I get the words "ACROSS" & "FELLOW."
And since I'm including a screenshot of the readout, I would like to mention later in the night while Johnathan Brown and myself were investigating (as paranormal researchers, mind you), the words "RESEARCH" & "BROWN" both popped up back-to-back.
Like I said, some words are easy to dismiss as garbage, but some make you think a bit....
I was then led into the back of the basement where Dave had set up quite a bit of equipment. I'm not really the equipment-type, I prefer to use my own 'equipment' (intuition), and only carry a very small arsenal of things to each investigation (including my digital voice recorder, my crystals, and my flashlight). It wouldn't take a rocket-scientist to figure out that this is where they had felt or experienced activity in the past, hence Dave setting up all of his equipment back in this area, so I tried to tune in to what may be in this spot.
I really couldn't get much of anything at first, but then after a few moments had passed, I saw a woman. She was maybe in her late 20's or early 30's but looked and acted younger than she was. I saw her with her hair pulled back into a loose, low bun, and I saw her dress as being cotton or a similar fabric, all one shade, with a belt of sorts just below her bosom that tied in the back. I felt that this woman was in fact tied to the building or land itself, versus the man who was not.
In sensing this connection, I also sensed that the woman and man have kind of become friendly while in Spirit, and worked in-cahoots to pull pranks on the owners. For example, at one point I saw this man standing next to a floor lamp acting as if he was going to turn it on to make the shop owner jump - and the woman had her hands over her mouth giggling like a little girl over the anticipation. It was actually quite funny! Truth be told - I fell in love with these two spirits after seeing this. They were just trying to have fun, albeit at the shop owner's expense. If you were to look at them as just funny people without bodies instead of ghosts turning on/off lights, it takes on a whole new stigma! :)
Dave turned on his "Spirit Box" (a radio that has been tampered with so it scans from channel to channel creating static that supposedly spirits can communicate through a bit more easily), so John and I headed upstairs. (Spirit or Ghost Boxes are definitely nifty/fun investigative tools, but personally I find them to be very chaotic and distracting, so I just prefer to step away if I am in Empath/Medium-mode so it doesn't mess with the connection I have established.)
Once upstairs, John and I began walking around and getting a feel for the energy of the large room. At one point while we were standing towards the middle of one side of the room, I felt as if the man (the crooner from downstairs) was standing directly across from us on the other side of the large room - keeping his distance, but watching us, curiously. I mentioned this to John, then made my way to that side of the room to try to connect with him again. Once I reached that side of the room (having to walk in a large circle around the perimeter of the store to get there), he was no longer there.
I stood there for a moment trying to connect with him, but instead I caught a brief glimpse of the woman from earlier. She drew me to the front right side of the store, near an old dining room table set. I stood there for a moment trying to connect with her, and when I did she showed me that she spends most of her time directly above where I was standing - in what felt to be an apartment or living space. She showed me herself standing off to the side of a large window that overlooked where the parking lot would be. I also got the strong sense that she has actually been seen quite a few times while staring out of this window. I'm not quite sure why she stares out that particular window.
Later on in the night we took a tour of the outside perimeter of the building and discovered not only was there a window exactly in the spot I had been shown, but there were several windows surrounding the building on the second floor. She didn't seem to take any interest to any of the other windows at all.
The owner had asked me if I felt anything negative in the building, to which I was quite certain I did not. In fact, I believe I told her I could comfortably sleep in the basement of the building, which is where she had reportedly sensed the negative entity in the past. She had done a lot on her end in order to clear the negative entity from the space, and I believe she did an amazing job of it, because I felt no trace of anything 'bad.' I did sense at one point that they may experience loads of shadow activity in the back area of the basement, to which she confirmed. I didn't think this was anything bad, per se, but may have been in the past.
And just as a sidenote, albeit a very important sidenote, 'bad' doesn't necessarily mean 'evil' - I think it's extremely important to make that distinction. Just because someone is bad doesn't mean they are evil. And in fact, I strongly believe that you can cause a spirit to act in 'evil' ways by calling them such. Think about it this way, if you were grumpy in life, then it stands to reason that you'll be grumpy in death. Our personality doesn't necessarily change just because we lose our heavy physical bodies. So now think of a grumpy old man. If you were to repeatedly call this man evil, and accuse him of doing evil things, chances are he'll eventually start to believe it, and act upon it. And even if he doesn't start to believe it, he may get angry enough to jump into the mindframe of, "Evil?? I'll show you evil!!" out of sheer anger or frustration. Makes sense, right? It's a really good thing to remember when dealing with spirit. The majority of the time they are simply people without their physical bodies - treat them as such.
... I digress. :)
So to wrap things up, John and I had a lot of fun and met some fantastic new friends (both in life and death...), and we'd like to thank our friend, Dave Jones for inviting us out on this investigation. Thanks, Dave!
-Shelly, VOLP