K*** Cemetery & Tadmor "Ghost Town"
(*Location name has been hidden due to this location being a bit of an 'urban exploration' investigation...)
Date: 8.2.13
VOLP Investigators Attending:
Garry, Johnathan, & Guest Investigator - John Powers
By: Garry Fox
I was invited by my friend John Powers to
investigate a small rural cemetery in Miami County called K***. Some report
it to have been called T*** Cemetery. Upon entering the cemetery we all
took off in different directions. I was on one side and soon began picking up a
male spirit. I was joined by John Powers and I started to tell him what I was

In the row behind
him was 3 stones all similar with all Babb last names. I felt these were his
parents and one other family member .I did not document their names but plan on
doing so in a few days. He then told me there were 5 graves. We were seeing
only 4. We then went to a board that was posted on the edge of the cemetery
with all the names of those interred and there were 5 Babb’s listed. Going back
to the grave he said “My son is buried by me”. To the right of his grave was a
small stone. After removing built up grass clipping I discovered it was a
child’s stone. No inscription could be made out to validate if it was his son.
I then thought I heard something about a brother, thinking that I had it wrong
about the son being beside him I said this out loud and was quickly corrected
that he did not have a brother. John B. and John P. went on to another section
and I was not able to focus on anything but Mr. Babb and his son. He was now
standing in front of me with a very small little boy holding his hand. I felt
his had not crossed as his son could not find his way to do so. I felt his son
had died long before him and when he passed he was reunited with him but stayed
to comfort his son who was lost and couldn’t find the way to cross. Even though
it had been almost 100 years since Mr. Babb’s death for him it only seemed like
a short time. I was able to tell him he has family waiting for them and was
able to help them cross. Looking into the light were his family members and
several union soldiers dressed in blue uniforms and carrying guns and some with
sabers at their sides. They were all welcoming him over and he stepped into the
light with his son in his arms and was gone.
I regained my focus feeling his energy had left me and was able to continue on and join my fellow investigators. I was drawn to the edge of the cemetery where John Brown was sensing some energy and quickly was thinking that along the perimeter was a wooded area. I was made to feel that there were graves in this brush area that were forgotten. As we were shining our flashlights into the woods we were met with a loud and quick rushing sound and the brush was moving about. We began to retreat thinking a large animal may be feeling territorial and our presence there at that time was not smart. We walked back to the car and finished for the night.

Upon researching Mr. Babb the next morning it
was discovered that he had died at the Soldier’s Home in Dayton where I work as
a nurse. Maybe this is why he felt so comfortable with me. He was a Union
officer. He also worked for many years as a manager of the eastern territory
for the firm Warder, Bushnell and Glessner. Maybe this was my accounts manager-purser
connection. He was the only son of eight children as he said he had no brothers
when he corrected me. He was buried beside his small son 45 years after the
child’s death .

Johnathan's Review
By: Johnathan Brown
At one point on our way to the village, we were crossing a bridge and I felt as if there was

I also had that experience where I may have seen a shadow animal, which Garry mentioned.
Lastly, when we got to the woods I saw in my minds eye a woman looking at us from across the ravine. She was sort of looking down on us, wondering what we were doing there - more interested than anything, nothing fearful. She would only come so close. Just really went with what I was seeing from memory right now: she had on a light brown dress & had shoulder length hair.