Residence in Beavercreek, Ohio
Date: 4.28.13
VOLP Investigators Attending:
Victor, Shelly, Johnathan, Ericka
Victory of Light Paranormal had recently been contacted by a woman who was experiencing more than her fair share of paranormal phenomena, who was in need of our assistance in dealing with the spirits in her home.
A couple of weeks ago, we had attempted to get to her home for a walk-through, but because of bad weather, we couldn't make the drive up at the sake of our own safety. Garry, one of VOLP's valued members, lived close to her, so her went on his own and did a Medium walk-through of her home for her. Interestingly enough, the homeowner is also very Sensitive, and has clairvoyant (able to see spirit) & clairaudient (able to hear spirit) abilities of her own.
Here is the post Garry made on facebook following his walk-through of her home:
"Victory of Light Paranormal had a walk through of a new home that one of my clients had purchased. She is a sensitive and was feeling some uneasiness so she asked us to check it out. Myself and 2 others were on our way. A bad storm coming from the south and a traffic jam caused the other two team members to decide to go back home as it just wasn't safe to drive any further into the storm. So I being north trudged on.
When I get there the home owner had some friends there who wanted readings. Well as it turns out the home did have a former owner there in spirit a very nice man we talked and worked out a living arrangement for them. As it turns out I feel like the main reason for the investigation was to help one of the owner's friends there that night to connect to her recently deceased brother. He had several messages for her to let her know he was OK and had a journey to make . I think I was able to help them both to understand a little more about what they were experiencing.
God was definitely good to all of us last night ,there was some healing ,comfort and closure 3 things I always pray for before an investigation or client readings. God makes the path and sometimes we just have to trudge along and in the end the plan is revealed. As I always say there is no coincidences in life, a group reading was what was in the plan last night not the investigation..who knew?? lol"
So last night we brought a new group to her home, including myself (Shelly), Victor, Johnathan, & Ericka.
Johnathan and myself got there a little earlier than Victor and Ericka, so the homeowner graciously showed us around the property, so I could pick up any impressions I might be able to get along the way.
The living room I didn't feel much in, to be honest. I felt as if maybe the people who lived here might get the sense from time to time that someone was either walking past the living room to get to the basement, standing behind them in the hallway near the bedrooms and bathroom, or walking through the kitchen/dining room. I felt the living room itself to be relatively 'quiet,' but did get that strong sense of other things going on around them while they were in that room.
In the master bedroom I felt a completely different energy. I felt as if this were kind of the 'activity hub' of the home. I felt as if there were a lot of intelligent (meaning non-residual) activity occurring in this room. I wasn't sure what it was yet, but I had a feeling I'd know soon.
The second bedroom on the first floor was our next stop during our walk-through with the homeowner. This room felt 'empty' to me. I felt as if not a whole lot of time was spent in this room for some reason. It lacked that 'warm' feeling you get from other rooms in a home. I felt as if this room were avoided, and held seemingly stagnant energy.
Next, we ventured into the kitchen. Immediately I was drawn to the window above the kitchen sink. As I looked out the window, I got the strong impression that someone would be standing here doing dishes, and feel a very strong sensation of someone walking right past them but when they'd turn around to look, nothing would be there. I relayed this to the homeowner, and her reply was, "Yes. More times than I can count. It happens all the time." I tried to connect with this energy to get a sense of who or what it was walking behind them as they stood at the sink, and I felt two very distinct energies; one of an older female, and one of a small boy.
We made our way upstairs to the second floor, which had an 'attic' feel, but was made into a long bedroom/space for the homeowner's older son. This space felt like a 'safe space' to me. I felt as if her son, who stayed up here, was being protected by a spirit who stayed up here in this room. A spirit who meant no harm whatsoever, and was there specifically to watch over and to protect her son.

It was just a quick 'glimpse' - which is what I refer what I see in my mind's eye when I see spirit. This one ranks as my second clearest 'glimpse' I've had to date of a spirit. His image came through to me so clearly if I had any artistic talent whatsoever, I'm positive I could draw him.

Physically speaking, he was approximately 5'11," slender build, with brown wavy, "70's" style hair, and a gruff face - meaning he had a pretty significant amount of stubble on his face. It wasn't quite a beard, but he definitely looked like he didn't shave on a regular basis. I felt he was a heavy drinker, but I felt this was to self-medicate because of his physical and emotional wounds.
I felt a tie to war. I thought maybe this man was in a war of some sort, which would explain the physical injuries. I then thought "PTSD" - this is why this man was self-medicating. Post-traumatic stress disorder from the war he fought in. I wasn't totally sure about the war thing yet; this man didn't present himself to me in a uniform, so I didn't want to feel like I was grasping at straws before I jumped to this conclusion.

Victor almost immediately picked up on this same man that I had been connecting with.
He almost immediately also picked up on the war connection, and when he looked at me and said, "Do you feel like he might have been suffering from PTSD or something?" I nearly dropped to the floor. Lol. Of course I confirmed, and we continued on, trying to connect with this man.
Victor also picked up on this man being angry, very easily frustrated, and not a fan of 'noise' in general. He was irritable, stubborn, and in physical and emotional pain constantly. Victor also then began to describe his physical ailments just as I had seen them; a facial/head injury, and a possible back/hip injury that caused a slight limp as he walked. He picked up on him being in a war, and as Victor said this out loud I heard "Vietnam" in my mind. Victor said he was unsure if it was WW2 or Vietnam, to which I replied saying I heard "Vietnam," so we both decided this man had fought in Vietnam. We concluded this man had suffered injuries while over there, and came home with these injuries along with a strong case of PTSD. I then very clearly heard, "This is why I am the way I am."
At that moment I was overcome with sadness. I was immediately brought to tears, feeling what this man felt. It was an incredibly intense experience. I spoke to him in my head, and told him I was so, so sorry for what he went through. No one deserves to go to war; to see the things they see, do the things they do, and be made to suffer for the rest of their lives because of it. I was genuinely sorry for this man, my sympathy extending far beyond superficial.

The homeowner joined us and started telling us about her experiences with this male presence. Most recently, she was in the basement doing laundry and the man told her he didn't like her dogs. Victor said he felt it was the noise they made that he didn't like.
Victor asked if she had seen shadows in her bedroom at night, and she said yes, so much so that she bought black out curtains to help her sleep at night. He asked if she had trouble sleeping at night, and she also confirmed, stating she was on various sleep-aid medications just to help her sleep at night because otherwise she wouldn't sleep at all. Her husband was also suffering from some physical ailments, which she believed to possibly be in relation to this male spirit who wouldn't leave them alone at night as they tried to sleep.
Victor confirmed, and agreed this man did spend a great deal of time trying to get their attention at night while they lay in their bed trying to sleep.
Victor sat on the edge of the bed, facing the homeowner and I, and he said, "It's funny, I felt like this man wanted me to sit here on the bed so he could kind of hide behind me.." So I snapped a picture.
Victor explained that he felt this man was very aware of the homeowner & her husband's presences, and was actually quite attached to both of them. This man was looking for help from the homeowner because she was Sensitive, and could hear him.

The Veteran also felt a tremendous amount of guilt for some reason. Victor picked up on this a couple of times throughout the evening. He said he did see a car crash of some sort, which we originally thought to be connected to the homeowner's son, who had been hit by a truck when he was just 16, but later dismissed because Victor felt the car crash he saw involved two cars; not a pedestrian and a truck. As he described this, again I felt the word "alcoholism" and I relayed out loud to them that I fel this could be connected. This man may have been drinking and driving, and caused a wreck which he held on to severe guilt for, even in death.
Victor then sensed the energy of a little boy, about 4 feet tall, bouncing a ball. I felt him too, and I felt as if this was the little boy I felt while in the kitchen earlier as well. I felt him more as a residual energy, whereas Victor felt him as an intelligent energy. Victor and I were talking later in the evening about this boy and felt that 'exuberant' was the perfect word to describe this little boys energy. He was very happy, very energetic, and loved this family dearly. He was attached to the family, not the home. When I tried to hone in on an age, I couldn't really get one, felt possibly 9-10 years old, but felt that he would have been this age in the 1950's. I don't know why the "50's" popped into my head, but it did, and I told Victor. He said that could very well be correct, because he saw the little boy playing football, and although our knowledge of sports is pretty horrid, we do know that back in the 50's the uniforms would have been much different, and Victor feels as if what he saw would fit that time frame.
We then made our way to the second floor bedroom and met up with Johnathan, who was up there conducting an EVP session alone. We began to tell him about the spirits we had connected with, and when we mentioned 'the man,' John immediately asked, "Do you feel a military connection?" We, of course, did - and told him about the Veteran, and what we had picked up on him. John confirmed he also felt PTSD from this man. Johnathan is ex-military as well, so we felt he was able to connect with this man because of their common ground.
We also picked up on an older gentleman in the second floor bedroom. The guardian. Protector. Victor starts describing him, and says, "You know the guy on the Quaker Oats package?? I know this sounds ridiculous, but that's who I am seeing..." So I got out my phone and google searched the image. Fast-forwarding a bit here, but later in the evening we ended up being shown a few photos of the homeowners deceased father, and the results were uncanny.
We were positive this was the man watching over her son upstairs. We also found out later that her father had suffered horrific injuries as a child, just as her son had from his car accident. We felt as if this is where the connection was made. This man's grandfather was lovingly and diligently watching over him as his guardian angel of sorts. (How beautiful is that? What a wonderful grandfather; such love and devotion to his grandson.)
We headed downstairs again, and decided we would help to cross these souls over. They have to make this decision on their own, but we bring in Higher Level Spirits to kind of help nudge them along and show them they don't need to be here any longer. So Victor got to work bringing in this 'clean-up crew,' and you could physically feel each room getting lighter as this crew did their job to help clean up the energy in this home. They communicate with the spirits residing in the home and help them to understand it's time to leave. Once they've crossed over, the clean-up crew then gets to work cleaning up any residual energy that had been left behind by these spirits. As we moved from room to room, you could feel the energy shifting, changing, and clearing.
Victor and I made our way back to the basement to do a bit of clean up work down there. As he sat on the bedroom side of the basement, I ventured over to the area where I had encountered the man earlier in the evening. I sensed that the man had left, but on the side across from where I had seen the man, I sensed something else there. I felt it was concentrated in one corner, and it was completely unrelated to the man. We also felt this wasn't the woman we had encountered earlier in the night (the Veteran's mother or wife); this was an entirely new entity that we had not met up until this point.

We felt this was a female presence, and the reason we hadn't encountered her until then was because she was hiding. She didn't want to be discovered, and she was quite upset with us that we had 'found' her. As we made our way back up the stairs and into the dining room, I felt as if she was walking behind me yelling at me, but in a very prim-and-proper fashion. She spoke with what I refer to as "snake S's".. hard for me to convey what I mean over this blog, but she spoke with very 'prissy' S's.
She was very agitated with us, and didn't want to leave. I saw her in a tea-length dress and white apron.
She did end up leaving along with the Veteran and his mother or wife. We decided the older gentleman in the second floor bedroom was a good thing, and should definitely stay. The younger boy wasn't causing any trouble, so he stayed, as well. Victor commented, "He's so stubborn, honestly he'd probably just end up finding his way back here anyway!"
**Update: This morning Victor emailed me and said, "You know Shelly after I got home I got the impression that the boy was also freed so hopefully the homeowner will not be awakened at 5 am by this boy anymore when he wants to be fed!"
**Update: This morning Victor emailed me and said, "You know Shelly after I got home I got the impression that the boy was also freed so hopefully the homeowner will not be awakened at 5 am by this boy anymore when he wants to be fed!"
Another amazing investigation!
VOLP would like to thank the homeowner, who has choosen to remain anonymous (hence referring to her as 'the homeowner' throughout this blog instead of by her name), and her friends for allowing us to come into her beautiful home and communicate with the spirits that inhabited it.
We will be reviewing audio evidence this week, so stay tuned!
- Shelly, VOLP