Thursday, October 3, 2013

West Milton, Ohio Residence - Medium Review 9.20.13

(Pictured Above: Downtown West Milton, Ohio)

Medium Review
for Investigation on 9/20/2013
in West Milton, Ohio (Residence)

By: VOLP Medium, Cody Kost

I arrived about an hour before everyone else due to weather delays. While waiting for the others to arrive I kept picking up on a shadowy male.

When Connie arrived we started to talk to Jill about some pictures she had. When Jill mentioned the bedroom I sensed that most of the energy and activity was located there. So instead of doing a full walkthrough I went straight to the bedroom and focused there.

While in the bedroom I saw the shadowy male again that said he was connected to Jack's past. Everytime I tried to talk to him more and see his face he would pull further back. The amount of energy in the room was very high. I kept hearing the word guilt and was told that some of the activity mostly from this shadowy male was from the guilt Jack felt. The Male spirit said something of his was in that room but told me nothing about what it was or where I could find it.

I was then approached by a female spirit that led me to a jewelry box. we asked who it belonged to and we were told that it belonged to Jack's late wife. After talking to the family a bit and hearing some more experiences I determined that there was a portal in the bedroom which would explain the amount of energy there and the amount of spirits Jack saw.

Connie and I then went through the house smudging. I asked for the light of the Universe to come into the home and asked that the Guardians of the threshold close the portal there. I then led Jack, Jenny and Jill through a reaffirming ritual. I had them each light a candle and say what they wanted to happen with the home and their wishes for peace.

This concludes my review.

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